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Book train tickets in France

Train travel in France

Your guide to exploring France by rail with details about different types of French trains as well as information to help you decide whether a railpass is the best option for you.


TER (regional trains)

TER (Transport express régional) is a network of regional rail services that form the backbone of the French railway system.

Scenic trains

An overview of the most scenic railway journeys in France.

Intercités (long-distance trains)

Intercités are the slower long-distance trains that are popular with people travelling with a railpass as they usually do not require seat reservations nor payment of any supplement.


Eurostar is the international high-speed rail service that connects Paris and Lille with London via the Channel Tunnel.

High speed trains

TGV (train à grande vitesse) are the high-speed trains that connect major cities in France at speeds of around 320km/h. Both the iDTGV and Ouigo trains are a cheaper alternative to regular TGV trains.


Thalys is the high-speed train that links Paris with cities in Belgium and the Netherlands.